
This is my website that I use to advertise my personal training services and to publish short articles that I have written concerning health and fitness. If you wish to see the information on Personal Training Services please navigate to the correct page using the bar above. If not please feel free to look at the newest posts displayed below.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Chest Training

This is how you should train your chest. so informative. great way of thinking more about your training

Friday 30 November 2012

Optimum Nutrition BCAA's

This is the first of a couple of articles on some supplements I have recently purchased and am now using. I will explain the benefits of each one and when to take them.

BCAA's (Branched Chain Amino Acids)

BCAAs are a very important supplement to be taking if your trying to build muscle. When you take a protein supplement, your body is limited in how quickly it can absorb and utilize the protein for recover and growth by the rate that it is able to synthesize it at. Taking a BCAA supplement increases the rate that your body can absorb proteins at.

Having an increased rate of protein absorption has several benefits. Firstly, you are increasing the amount of protein your muscles are receiving after a workout, reducing your recover time and increasing your muscle growth. This is the main benefit of taking BCAA's. Another benefit is that the protein you drinking/eating is not being used by your body as fuel as much. If there is excess protein in your body, you start using it as a fuel to function after your training. If the majority is absorbed quickly due to the presence of BCAA's then less is being wasted as fuel. The BCAA's also disrupt your bodies process that breaks down the protein, further reducing the waste of proteins.

I am taking this supplement from Optimum Nutrition straight after training with my protein shake and in the evening with another protein shake. Having the BCAA's at this time creates a spike in your bodies BCAA levels when the protein in the system is also high. This combination allows maximum aborption of protein and in turn, optimal muscle growth and recovery.  


Me doing squats this morning. Green is 10kg, red is 25kg, bar is 20kg.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Thursday 22 November 2012


Some supplements I ordered turned up today. I'm going to write an article explaining the benefits of them and how they will improve your training. One is a Fish Oil omega 3 supplement and the other is a MulitVitamin.

Great video

Kai Greene talking about having the energy to carry on training hard.

Monday 19 November 2012

Fantastic Nutrients Calculator

The link below will give you a rough idea of  what your daily intake of the main 3 macronutrients should be to keep yourself in optimum shape. Give it a try!

Macronutrients Calculator

Wednesday 14 November 2012

My First PT Client

I've finally managed to get my first PT client!!!! This has taken ages, but someone contacted me a few weeks ago to ask about having a program done. I have now supplied him with an exercise plan and diet advice. Its a shame he didn't want regular training sessions, but hopefully this is the start of something bigger.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Facebook Group!!!!!

If you like what you see here, I have been trying to get a more thought out site/ company going with the same fitness information. Please join the Facebook group, the more interest I get, the more I'll be putting into the project.

Here's the link:

Haven't Posted in a While

Ok, so forgot about this blog a bit earlier in the year... got sidetracked working on other things as you do.

Thought I'd have a look at it again, just to see if anything had happened. I did not expect the amount of traffic that I have had... over 700 view with very little new content added!!! That's insane!!

I'll try to get this thing going again, although i should have another proper blog going on my website shortly.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Grenade .50 Calibre Review

Grenade® .50 Calibre® Official UK Launch

I managed to visit the Grenade stand at the BodyExpo last week and picked up a sample of the highly anticipated .50 Calibre pre-workout supplement. At the stall I was told that it would blow every other pre-workout supplement out of the water! Quite a claim. I am going to be comparing it to supplements I have had experience with, NO-xplode and Jack3d.

The sample I was taking was Berry flavor. The instructions said that those used to pre-workout supplements should use the whole sachet to get the full experience. The supplement was to be taken 30 minutes before exercising.

Firstly I noticed that this powder did not mix well at all. It stuck together in lumps on the surface of the water, much like when you use too much protein powder.After a fair bit of mixing the supplements was sufficiently dissolved to drink, not that I'd recommend it. The flavor was disgusting, even by supplement standards. Even once you had finished the drink (which i reluctantly did) your left with a horrid aftertaste.

Once I started training, the physical effect was much the same as my previous experiences, so nothing much to talk about. The mental edge was missing though. Unfortunately, throughout my workout I kept belching, something I haven't experienced from the other supplements. Each time I belched I got a foul reminder of the taste of the supplement, not a pleasant experience.

I'm afraid to say that this supplement was a disappointment. It is average as a workout supplement, but lacks the kick of some of its more established competitors. Its real downfall is the taste. On that alone I will never consider the product again.

Monday 21 May 2012

Quick Preview

Good training plan

One of the best and most comprehensive training guides available.

New Supplements

After bagging myself a deal at the BodyPowerExpo yesterday, I've started taking a range of new supplements. I'm going to spend the next few days researching and writing  articles about each one. Here are all the new supplements I have.

NRG Zinc complex
NRG Creatine Ethyl Ester

Saturday 19 May 2012

Shoulder/Legs Day

Cardio Training

10 mins running- 1 min fast, 1 min walk

Weight Training

Superset- Shoulder Press (3 sets of 10)
                Lunges (3 sets of 10)
Superset- Lateral Raises (3 sets of 10)
                Front Raises (3 sets of 10)
                Reverse Flys (3 sets of 10)
Superset- Leg Press (3 sets of 12)
                Shrugs (3 sets of 10)

Machine Shoulder Press (3 sets of 10)
Machine Flys (3 sets of 10)

Tricep Extensions (3 sets of 10)
Single arm Tricep Extensions (3 sets of 10)

Abs Circuit

Thursday 17 May 2012

Binary Training

Like most people, its not long till I go on a summer holiday. There's a few parts of my body that I still want to improve, and my fat level needs to drop more. I'm switching my training sessions to include only 2 desperate training sessions to be done on alternating days. While this sounds a bit too intensive, you will see the logic of it when I explain.

Usually, workouts can be split into desperate days for desperate muscle groups. For optimal recovery, you generally need 48 hours between sessions minimum. As I have less time to work with, I'm going to train each muscle group once every 2 days. This doesn't mean destroying the muscle group every other day though. Each training session will have a primary muscle group and a secondary muscle group. The primary muscle group for the session is the one that your going to do a comprehensive workout for. This means covering all the exercises you would usually do for that muscle group. The secondary muscle group isn't going to receive such an intense workout, but should be worked all the same. In the major exercises for the primary muscle group (big pushing and pulling movements) we are going to super set with an exercise for the secondary muscle group. Here's an example set.

Dumbbell Pullovers- 3 sets of 10 (major muscle group exercise)
Incline Chest Press- 3 sets of 15 (secondary muscle group exercise)

The primary muscle group is worked as normal, at a high weight struggling to reach the rep count. The secondary group has a high rep count than usual, prompting the use of lighter weights,causing less muscle tearing and so preventing excessive recovery time. Performing the exercises as a super set increases your heart rate more without increasing muscle fatigue any faster in the primary muscle group.

The super set with the secondary muscle group is only included for 2-3 exercises. This reduces over working the muscles, as they are still not fully recovered from their previous session as the primary muscle group. The result of training in this way is that each muscle group is trained fully once every 4 days, with a top up session part way through to prompt more growth.

This kind of training will only work if performed with adequate intensity. Pushing your body through an extra 9 sets each session will cause your energy levels to drop faster. Reducing your energy levels in this way forces your body to start using your less accessible energy stores (fats).  When combined with interval training before and after the weights session you should end up burning well over 1000 calories in the training session and raise your metabolic rate for the rest of the day, sending your calories burned through the roof!

As this kind of training puts your body under a huge amount of stress you need to make sure that you are looking after the nutrition side of the training as well. Training at a high intensity will cause you to dehydrate, so drinking plenty of water is essential. Keeping your protein intake high will make sure that your muscles can recover quick enough to perform properly in the next session.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Extra Training

Going to be doing some extra cardio tonight, I want to try and get the extra fat shifted. Probably going to go for a swim. Swimming is a great form of exercising as it forces you to regulate your breathing much more than usual, increasing your lung capacity and oxygen efficiency. It puts very little pressure on your joints while still allowing for your muscles to be worked hard. As most of the movements are much more rotational, you strengthen supporting muscle groups that you can otherwise neglect in the gym.

I'll be doing a session along the lines of

200m warm up
5x100m with 1min rest
6x50m with 1 min rest
500m steady continuous

Total 1500m

*Update- been and done the session. Had to skip the last 500m swim, my shoulders began aching from the session this morning, and not in a good way!

Monday 14 May 2012

Tomorrow's Session

10 mins running (interval training)

Shoulder press- 3 sets of 12
Front raises- 3 sets of 12
Side raises- 3 sets of 12
Reverse flys- 3 sets of 12
Hammer strength shoulder press-3 sets of 20
Hammer strength lateral raises- 3 sets of 12
Shrugs- 3 sets of 12
Tricep press- 3 sets 12
Single arm tricep press- 3 sets 12
Dips- 3 sets to failure

Abs circuit

6x 250m sprints on rowing machine with 1min rest

Saturday 12 May 2012

Cutting Programme

I've got just under a month till a holiday, so I'm trying to cut my fat levels down before I go. Here's a sample week of my training.

Day 1-Chest and Triceps
Day 2- Shoulders and Biceps
Day 3- Back and Legs

Each day I am doing 10 minutes interval training on the treadmill, then the weights session for that particular day and am finishing with 5 250m rows. This kind of training should cut my body fat percentage without me losing too much muscle mass.

Saturday 31 March 2012

Supplements I Use and Why

100% Whey Protein- NRG Fuel

Protein blend (whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate), thickener (guar gum), vanilla flavour, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, sweetener (sucralose). Based on vanilla flavour.
Nutritional Info
Energy (kcal) per 100g - 394.3 // per 30g serving 118.3
Energy (kj) per 100g - 1649.3 // per 30g serving 494.8
Protein per 100g - 80g // per 30g - 24g
Carbohydrates per 100g - 5.1g // per 30g - 1.53g
Fibre N/A
Sodium per 100g - 0.163g // per 30g - 0.049g

This is the protein powder I am currently using. Protein is essential if you want to build muscle and get in shape. The majority of your body is constructed from proteins. When you lift weights, you cause damage to the muscle. To repair this damage, your body needs to have the resources to construct new material from readily available. If all the protein needed to repair the muscle is in your body, your body can being to repair and grow at its maximum rate.
After a training session I will usually have 2 scoops of the powder in water, which equates to 48g of protein.  I have another 2 before going to sleep as well, which brings the total protein I have through supplementation to 96g, or the equivalent of three chicken breasts.
Another advantage of whey protein is that it is a good source of BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids). These are what are responsible for the muscle growth and repair. The amount of the 80g protein per 100g powder that is made up of BCAAs is 18.07g.

N.O. Xplode 2.0-BSN

The ingredients in N.O. Xplode are a fair bit more complex than in the protein.  Vitamin B6 is one of the main ingredients. This helps with the conversion of glycogen to glucose.
The supplement also contains nitric oxide. This causes something called vasodilation. This is the relaxing of the lining of blood vessels, allowing greater blood flow. This increases supply of nutrients and energy to muscles, allowing for greater levels of exertion for longer periods of time. Your maximum output isn’t increased, but your recover time drops and the length of time you can train for improves. The creatine in the supplement allows for the muscle to re-synthesise ATP faster, reducing your recovery time.
Large amounts of caffeine and taurine are present, although specific amounts are not given on the BSN website. These increase your heart rate, helping increase your muscles energy supply in conjunction with the nitric oxide.
I usually take between 2 and 3 scoops before training. As there is a large amount of caffeine and taurine I don’t take the supplement after 12 noon as it causes me to sleep badly.

WARNING- Taking this substance alongside alcohol or other relaxants will put massive strain on your heart and can cause serious heart attacks.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Change in Goal

I'm now going on holiday at the beginning of June, need to be in the best shape possible for then. Means keeping on the heavy weights and adding the cardio. I've gotta drop my body fat % a fair bit to get the hard work of the last few weeks showing.

28th March

Leg session today

Finished the session with a 15 minute run.

I did the whole 15 mins at 7kmph but varied the incline
3 mins warm up at 5 degrees
20 seconds at 10 degrees
40 seconds at 5 degrees
(continue this till 10 mins)
20 seconds at 15 degrees
40 seconds at 5 degrees
(continue till 13 mins)
2 mins steady to finish at 1 degree

This wrecked my legs after the leg session, but got my heart rate up loads and shows my cardio has improved already, as 10 mins running was tiring me out last week.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

27th March

A shoulders and triceps session today, same as I've listed previously. I'm gonna say a bit more about the cardio  training I'm doing now though.

Cardio (done at the end of the session)

10 mins on rowing machine
3 min warm up
10 seconds fast
50 seconds
repeat till 8 mins
2 minute steady to finish

This kind of training is know as high intensity cardio training. The idea of it is to elevate your heart rate loads during the sprint part of the workout, then let it drop again before the next sprint. As your pushing your body so much, you elevate your metabolism for the rest of the day as your body tries to compensate for the exercise you do. The time the training is done for is much shorter than normal cardio as your intensity is much higher. I'm only going for 10 mins at the moment as I've just started again, but I will be aiming to keep going for 20 mins in the next few weeks.

Monday 26 March 2012

Alternative Training

Yesterday I was at work all day. Usually that means sitting in a chair watching people swimming all day. But yesterday we had to move a bouncy castle into the middle of a field. The trolley wouldn't roll on the grass, so we had to drag it. We're talking about a 200-300kg bouncy castle. Anyway, pulling that thing ended up being a  full body work out. We were holding onto the plastic edges, working our arm and forearms, training our backs and core by having to transfer the power from our legs to the pulling motion. On a whole it was a pretty good bit of training, I've woken up today with sore legs and lower back. Shame I wont be able to do it again any time soon.

Saturday 24 March 2012

24th March

Chest session again, same as previously done.

I'm gonna try and start to add a different type of information to the blog now. I have recorded a fair few sessions on here now, but they're beginning to seem very repetitive.

Following the session plans I've listed already will begin to change your shape and should help you towards your goal, whatever it may be. Hopefully one thing you can take from the blog so far is that training and achieving your goals isn't a quick process. You don't just do one workout and then have your perfect figure. You need to commit to your goals and work at them over a period of time to achieve. It does get hard at times.Everyone has days where they don't want to go to the gym, or training, or even to work. But the people who do go and still manage to push themselves through the hard spots are the ones' that rise above the rest.  When you finally get to your goal, you will be that much more proud of yourself because you know that you put the effort in and you are the one who created something of yourself.

Watch this video below.This guy motivates me to do so much more and try so much harder. Listen to what he says, it'll make you think about the way you look at things.

Thursday 22 March 2012

22nd March

Wasn't able to train today, aggravated an old injury that was causing quite a bit of discomfort  in my shoulder. Didn't want to cause any more trouble by doing a heavy chest session.

Here's another video, this one's an absolute gem, I'll put so much into perspective for you.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

21st March

Shoulder/Triceps Session

5 mins on cross trainer

Shoulder Press
1 set of 12 @ 17.5kg
1 set of 6 @ 27.5kg
1 set of 8 @ 22.5kg

Reverse Flys
1 set of 12 @ 7.5 kg
1 set of 10 @ 10kg

Front Raises
2 sets of 10 @ 10kg

Side Raises
2 sets of 10 @ 10kg

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press
1 set of 12 @ 20kg
1 set of 10 @ 50kg

Hammer Strength Flys
2 sets @ 10kg

Cable Side Raises
2 sets of 8

Skull Crushers
1 set of 12 @ 10kg
1 set of 8 @ 17.5kg

Tricep Pulldowns
1 set of 12
1 set of 6

Decline Situps
2 sets of 10

Knee Raises
2 sets of 10

8 mins on rowing machine (10 seconds sprint, 50 seconds steady)
10 mins on running machine (10 degree incline steady pace)

Tuesday 20 March 2012

20th March

Leg Session

10 min warm up on cross trainer

1 set of 12 @ 40kg
1 set of 6 @ 70kg
1 set of 5 @ 110kg

Leg Press
1 set of 12 @ 50kg
1 set of 8 @ 100kg
1 set of 6 @ 120kg

Hamstring Curls
1 set of 12 @ 50kg
1 set of 8 @ 70kg

Leg Extensions
1 set of 12 @ 50kg
1 set of 8 @ 100kg
1 set of 8 @ 120kg

Calf Raises
2 sets of 10

Cable Woodchopper
2 sets of 15

Knee Raises
3 sets of 10

Decline crunches
2 sets of 10

2 scoops of NO-xplode

Here's a video on Squats by Rob Riches, its a good instructional video

Monday 19 March 2012

19th March

No time to go training again today. Getting loaded up with work. Should be going tomorrow though, will be doing another leg session

Sunday 18 March 2012

Training on 17th March

Back Session

Dumbbell Pullovers
1 set of 12 @ 25kg
1 set of 8 @ 40kg

Single Arm Rows
1 set of 12 @ 25kg
1 set of 10 @ 40kg
1 set of 5 @ 45kg

1 set of 10 @ 70kg
1 set of 6 @ 120kg
1 set of 2 @ 150kg

Hammer strength Lat Pulldowns
1 set of 10 @ 40kg
1 set of 6 @ 100kg

Cable Woodchopper
3 sets of 15

Knee Raises
3 sets of 10

Decline Crunches
3 sets of 10

2 sets of 10

2 scoops of NO-xplode
2 scoops of NRG Whey


Ok, I think I need to review my goals. My original plan was to try and bulk to around 110kg, but since the beginning of the month i have only put on 2kg. This is probably due to a number of reasons. My body has adapted to the training, as I have been following the same plan for a few months now. The other, and more probable cause is that my muscle mass has increased, but my body fat % has decreased. I have definitely grown and I am getting more definition.

I feel that because of the way my training is currently going it will be best to keep my program the same, but add some aspect of cardiovascular work. In a meeting with a friend recently I was told about how cardio training increases your muscle size by increasing the size of the capillaries in the muscle. I will see if this actually works. If it doesn't, at least the cardio will drop my fat percentage.

Oh, and as the motivational videos seemed popular, here's another.

Thursday 15 March 2012

15th March

Chest/Bicep Session

10 mins on a cross trainer at 120-130 bpm heart rate

Chest press
1 set of 12 reps @ 30kg
1 set of 6 reps @ 45kg

Incline Chest press
1 set of 12 reps @ 20kg
1 set of 6 reps @ 30kg

Chest Flys
1 set of 10 reps @ 20kg

Single arm preacher curls
1 set of 10 reps @ 12kg
1 set of 5 @ 20kg

Barbell Curls
1 set of 8 reps @ 30kg

Hammer strength chest press
2 sets of 10 reps @ 40kg

Hammer strength preacher curls
2 sets of 8 @ 25kg


NO-xplode during 10 minute warm up
NRG Whey Protein straight after session
NRG Whey Protein before going to sleep in the evening

Monday 12 March 2012

12th March

No training for the past 2 days, haven't had the time. Still been drinking my protein shakes. Need to weigh myself again soon to see what the progress is like

Saturday 10 March 2012

10th March

No training again today. Gonna have a few days off to let my body recover and grow a bit. Still having the protein, absolutely necessary when bulking up.  

Friday 9 March 2012

9th March

Very busy day today, so no time to get to the gym. I've still had a protein shake though. When you have a day off, your body takes the opportunity to repair and grow. You have an excess of energy as you haven't trained, so you need to make sure that you have the tools to grow, which is the protein.

Thursday 8 March 2012

8th March

Shoulder Session

Shoulder press

1 set of 10 @ 15kg 
1 set of 8 @ 27.5kg

Lateral and Front Raises

1 set of 10 @ 7.5kg 
1 set of 8 @ 12.5kg 

Reverse Flys 

1 set of 10 @ 7.5kg 
1 set of 8 @ 12.5kg 

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press 

1 set of 10 @ 40kg 
1 set of 5 @ 80kg 

Hammer Strength Flys 

1 set of 10 @ 7.5kg 
1 set of 8 @ 15kg 

Cable Front and Lateral Raises 
2 sets of 6


1 set of 10 @ 12kg 
1 set of 6 @ 22.5kg 

Triceps Press

1 set of 10
1 set of 8 

Cable Crunch 

2 sets of 10

Cable Twist Crunch

2 sets of 10 


2 sets of 10


NO-xplode before session
Whey protein after session and before sleeping

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Why I don’t take NO-xplode all the time

Some of you may have noticed that I don’t take my pre-workout drink before every session. This is because a lot of my sessions are in the afternoons. The energy drink contains a lot of stimulants that keep your body awake for long periods of time, like red bull. But unlike red bull, they keep me up for up to 12 hours after taking it. If I have the drink at 2 in the afternoon, chances are I’ll have an awful night sleep, so it’s not worth it.

7th March


10 min warm up on cross trainer @ 120bpm
10 min stretching legs


1 set of 10 reps @ 50kg
1 set of 6 reps @ 100kg

Leg press

1 set of 10 reps @ 100kg
1 set of 8 reps @ 120kg

Hammer strength hamstring curls

1 set of 10 reps @ 30kg
1 set of 6 reps @ 70kg

Hammer strength leg extensions

1 set of 10 reps @ 50kg
1 set of 6 reps @ 150kg


Whey protein after training and before sleep

Not a very long session today, wasn't in the mood to go crazy but needed to do something.
quite happy with my squat though, slowly progressing.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

6th March

Chest/Bicep Session

10 mins on a cross trainer at 120-130 bpm heart rate

Chest press
1 set of 12 reps @ 30kg
1 set of 2 reps @ 45kg
1 set of 5 reps@ 40kg

Incline Chest press
1 set of 12 reps @ 15kg
1 set of 5 reps @ 25kg

Chest Flys
1 set of 8 reps @ 15kg

Incline Chest Flys
1 set of 8 reps @ 15kg

Single arm preacher curls
1 set of 10 reps @ 7.5kg
1 set of 8 @ 15kg

Barbell Curls
1 set of 8 reps @ 25kg

Hammer strength chest press
1 sets of 10 reps @ 50kg
1 set  of 4 reps @ 80kg

Hammer strength preacher curls
1 set of 8 @ 10kg
1 set of 6 @ 20kg

Weighted Sit Ups
2 sets of 10 @ 10kg


Only whey protein before sleeping, forgot to pack the others when I left this morning

Wasn't feeling great in the gym today, everything felt much heavier than normal. That probably due to having done a shoulders session yesterday, which involves the triceps and stabilizing muscles in the same way that a chest session does.

Not much else to say.

Hopefully this is beneficial for those reading it

Monday 5 March 2012

The Beginning

I started my month of training at the beginning of March. I know its already the 5th, but I've been loaded up with other work.

Picture taken- 1st March 2012

This is a photo of me on the scales at the beginning of the month. I was weighing in at 102.3kg, a bit over what I expected, but hey, not complaining.

As this is my first post I'm gonna document all the training I've done so far in one post. I wont be going into massive detail about diet, just supplements and basics.

1st March 

I did a chest session on the first day, thought I'd start off with a favorite session.

Chest/Bicep Session

10 mins on a cross trainer at 120-130 bpm heart rate

Chest press
1 set of 12 reps @ 30kg
1 set of 6 reps @ 45kg

Incline Chest press
1 set of 12 reps @ 20kg
1 set of 6 reps @ 30kg

Chest Flys
1 set of 8 reps @ 20kg

Single arm preacher curls
1 set of 10 reps @ 12kg
1 set of 5 @ 20kg

Barbell Curls
1 set of 8 reps @ 30kg

Hammer strength chest press
2 sets of 10 reps @ 40kg

Hammer strength preacher curls
2 sets of 8 @ 25kg


NO-xplode during 10 minute warm up
NRG Whey Protein straight after session
NRG Whey Protein before going to sleep in the evening

2nd March

Legs Session

10 mins on a cross trainer at 120-130 bpm heart rate

Barbell Squats
1 set of 12 @ 30kg
1 set of 10 @ 100kg

Leg Press
1 set of 12 @ 100kg
1 set of 8 @ 150kg

Hamstring Curls
1 set of 12 @ 35kg
1 set of 10 @ 70kg

Leg Extensions
1 set of 12 @ 50kg
1set of 6 @ 150kg

Seated Calf Raises
1 set of 12 @ 20kg
1 set of 8 @ 40kg

Cable Woodchopper
1 set of 15
1 set of 8

3rd March

No training today as I was at work, but a protein shake in the evening.

4th March

No training again as working. No protein shake today.

5th March

Fancied a very long session today. A bit counter intuitive as I'm following an HIT program, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem in the long run
Back/Shoulders Session

Dumbbell Pullovers
1 set of 12 @ 20kg
1 set of 8 @ 40kg

Single Arm Rows
1 set of 12 @ 20kg
1 set of 8 @ 40kg
1 set of 5 @ 45kg

Barbell Rows
1 set of 12 @ 15kg
1 set of 8 @ 65kg

Hammer Strength Pullover Machine
1 set of 12 @ 40kg
1 set of 12 @ 80kg

Hammer Strength Lat Pulldowns
1 set of 12 @ 30 kg
1 set of 6 @ 80kg

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
1 set of 12 @ 20kg
1 set of 6 @ 27.5kg

Front, Side and Reverse Flys
1 set of 12 @ 7.5kg
1 set of 6 @ 15kg

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press
1 set of 12 @ 30kg
1 set of 6@ 80kg

Cable Side Raises
1 set to failure

Decline Crunches
1 set of 10 bodyweight only
1 set of 8 with 10kg

Knee Raises
2 sets of 8


NO-xplode during 10 minute warm up
NRG Whey Protein straight after session
NRG Whey Protein before going to sleep in the evening.