
This is my website that I use to advertise my personal training services and to publish short articles that I have written concerning health and fitness. If you wish to see the information on Personal Training Services please navigate to the correct page using the bar above. If not please feel free to look at the newest posts displayed below.

Monday 5 March 2012

The Beginning

I started my month of training at the beginning of March. I know its already the 5th, but I've been loaded up with other work.

Picture taken- 1st March 2012

This is a photo of me on the scales at the beginning of the month. I was weighing in at 102.3kg, a bit over what I expected, but hey, not complaining.

As this is my first post I'm gonna document all the training I've done so far in one post. I wont be going into massive detail about diet, just supplements and basics.

1st March 

I did a chest session on the first day, thought I'd start off with a favorite session.

Chest/Bicep Session

10 mins on a cross trainer at 120-130 bpm heart rate

Chest press
1 set of 12 reps @ 30kg
1 set of 6 reps @ 45kg

Incline Chest press
1 set of 12 reps @ 20kg
1 set of 6 reps @ 30kg

Chest Flys
1 set of 8 reps @ 20kg

Single arm preacher curls
1 set of 10 reps @ 12kg
1 set of 5 @ 20kg

Barbell Curls
1 set of 8 reps @ 30kg

Hammer strength chest press
2 sets of 10 reps @ 40kg

Hammer strength preacher curls
2 sets of 8 @ 25kg


NO-xplode during 10 minute warm up
NRG Whey Protein straight after session
NRG Whey Protein before going to sleep in the evening

2nd March

Legs Session

10 mins on a cross trainer at 120-130 bpm heart rate

Barbell Squats
1 set of 12 @ 30kg
1 set of 10 @ 100kg

Leg Press
1 set of 12 @ 100kg
1 set of 8 @ 150kg

Hamstring Curls
1 set of 12 @ 35kg
1 set of 10 @ 70kg

Leg Extensions
1 set of 12 @ 50kg
1set of 6 @ 150kg

Seated Calf Raises
1 set of 12 @ 20kg
1 set of 8 @ 40kg

Cable Woodchopper
1 set of 15
1 set of 8

3rd March

No training today as I was at work, but a protein shake in the evening.

4th March

No training again as working. No protein shake today.

5th March

Fancied a very long session today. A bit counter intuitive as I'm following an HIT program, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem in the long run
Back/Shoulders Session

Dumbbell Pullovers
1 set of 12 @ 20kg
1 set of 8 @ 40kg

Single Arm Rows
1 set of 12 @ 20kg
1 set of 8 @ 40kg
1 set of 5 @ 45kg

Barbell Rows
1 set of 12 @ 15kg
1 set of 8 @ 65kg

Hammer Strength Pullover Machine
1 set of 12 @ 40kg
1 set of 12 @ 80kg

Hammer Strength Lat Pulldowns
1 set of 12 @ 30 kg
1 set of 6 @ 80kg

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
1 set of 12 @ 20kg
1 set of 6 @ 27.5kg

Front, Side and Reverse Flys
1 set of 12 @ 7.5kg
1 set of 6 @ 15kg

Hammer Strength Shoulder Press
1 set of 12 @ 30kg
1 set of 6@ 80kg

Cable Side Raises
1 set to failure

Decline Crunches
1 set of 10 bodyweight only
1 set of 8 with 10kg

Knee Raises
2 sets of 8


NO-xplode during 10 minute warm up
NRG Whey Protein straight after session
NRG Whey Protein before going to sleep in the evening.

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