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Sunday 27 May 2012

Grenade .50 Calibre Review

GrenadeĀ® .50 CalibreĀ® Official UK Launch

I managed to visit the Grenade stand at the BodyExpo last week and picked up a sample of the highly anticipated .50 Calibre pre-workout supplement. At the stall I was told that it would blow every other pre-workout supplement out of the water! Quite a claim. I am going to be comparing it to supplements I have had experience with, NO-xplode and Jack3d.

The sample I was taking was Berry flavor. The instructions said that those used to pre-workout supplements should use the whole sachet to get the full experience. The supplement was to be taken 30 minutes before exercising.

Firstly I noticed that this powder did not mix well at all. It stuck together in lumps on the surface of the water, much like when you use too much protein powder.After a fair bit of mixing the supplements was sufficiently dissolved to drink, not that I'd recommend it. The flavor was disgusting, even by supplement standards. Even once you had finished the drink (which i reluctantly did) your left with a horrid aftertaste.

Once I started training, the physical effect was much the same as my previous experiences, so nothing much to talk about. The mental edge was missing though. Unfortunately, throughout my workout I kept belching, something I haven't experienced from the other supplements. Each time I belched I got a foul reminder of the taste of the supplement, not a pleasant experience.

I'm afraid to say that this supplement was a disappointment. It is average as a workout supplement, but lacks the kick of some of its more established competitors. Its real downfall is the taste. On that alone I will never consider the product again.

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