
This is my website that I use to advertise my personal training services and to publish short articles that I have written concerning health and fitness. If you wish to see the information on Personal Training Services please navigate to the correct page using the bar above. If not please feel free to look at the newest posts displayed below.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Extra Training

Going to be doing some extra cardio tonight, I want to try and get the extra fat shifted. Probably going to go for a swim. Swimming is a great form of exercising as it forces you to regulate your breathing much more than usual, increasing your lung capacity and oxygen efficiency. It puts very little pressure on your joints while still allowing for your muscles to be worked hard. As most of the movements are much more rotational, you strengthen supporting muscle groups that you can otherwise neglect in the gym.

I'll be doing a session along the lines of

200m warm up
5x100m with 1min rest
6x50m with 1 min rest
500m steady continuous

Total 1500m

*Update- been and done the session. Had to skip the last 500m swim, my shoulders began aching from the session this morning, and not in a good way!

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