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Sunday 24 March 2013

CNP Pro Recover Review

CNP Pro Recover (RRP £109.99)

              I was recently able to get my hands on a tub of CNP Pro Recover protein powder reasonably cheaply. I've been using if for the past few weeks and have to say I have been very pleased with it.  However, being at the higher end of the market i would have been disappointed with any less, as to buy straight from CNP you will be forking out over £100 for a 5kg tub, a big hit in most peoples books. 

              The powder itself is one of the nicest tasting I've had. The flavour I have been trying is chocolate, which is usually a safe option anyway, but CNP have done a fantastic job. I would happily have this as a milkshake to sip on. The powder mixes very well, while the larger than average serving sizes form a nice thick mixture without the grainy texture of other products. If put in a blender with some ice you end up with a delicious refreshing beverage.

              The nutritional content of the powder is fairly standard for this price range. As its a recovery drink, not whey protein, there are a higher amount of carbohydrates present than I would usually prefer, but the protein content is high at 29.5%. As to be expected with this type of supplement, there are a few added extras, vitamins c and e being some of them. There is also beetroot extract present as a colouring, although beetroot has been linked with increased blood oxygen retention, so no harm done there. The powder is suitable for vegetarians.

The only let down of this product is the price, but if you can find it in a sale or as part of a bundle offer, I would recommend seriously considering this powder over other cheaper alternatives. The nutritional content is all there and the taste is unmatched. Very good, well rounded product. 

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