
This is my website that I use to advertise my personal training services and to publish short articles that I have written concerning health and fitness. If you wish to see the information on Personal Training Services please navigate to the correct page using the bar above. If not please feel free to look at the newest posts displayed below.

Saturday 30 March 2013

10 Weight Loss Diet Rules

  1. Cut out all carbonated drinks. It doesn't matter if they're diet or not, your body does not need them. 
  2. Drink more water. You need to be getting about 6-8 pints of water each day, depending on your activity levels. This may seem a lot at first, but if you break it down into smaller batches, its quite easy to hit your total.
  3. Eat 3 meals a day. This means breakfast, lunch and dinner. Having three meals a  day gives your body a consistent stream of nutrients and stops you getting tired. Missing a meal reduces how well your body is functioning and can actually slow down the weight loss process
  4. No snacking. Snacking is one of the worst things you can do when trying to lose weight. The three meals you have each day should be substantial enough to get you through the day. Most snacking is through boredom, so you just have to be strict with yourself. 
  5. Cut out alcohol. Alcohol is bad for weight loss, end of story. Going teetotal during your diet means your body is functioning better and burning energy more effectively, it doesn't have to deal with processing the alcohol in your system.
  6. Don't starve yourself. Work out your  base metabolic rate (BMR) you can find tools on-line to help you work it out. Once you know your BMR, take 100-200 calories off that number to get the amount for your diet. Cutting your calorie intake excessively actually causes your body to start holing onto fat more, as it doesn't expect your reserves to replaced any time soon and goes into a self-preservation mode.
  7. Increase your protein intake. Proteins are the building blocks of your body. Keeping your intake of them high is important to stop muscle wastage. Losing fat is all very well, but if your let your muscle waste while you do it, you'll end up as skeleton wearing skin. Protein also counts towards your daily calorie allowance and fills you up quite quickly, reducing the change of feeling hungry after a meal.
  8. Eat Fats. Fats are essential to the working of your body. If you cut out fats completely then your body will slowly start to struggle. This doesn't mean go out of your way to eat fatty foods. Just don't make a point of cutting them out of all your meals. If a piece of meat has fat in it, that's fine, eat it anyway. This source of fat is good for you.
  9. Vegetables These are the filler of many of your meals. Increasing your vegetable portion size will make a big difference to your meal sizes. Veg doesn't carry many carbohydrates, while being rich in vitamins and minerals so fill up on these instead of pasta, rice or bread.
  10. Exercise I know this isn't part of a diet, but for maximum progress you need to make sure you exercise on a regular basis. This can be something as basic as going for a walk or taking the stairs instead of the lift. Being active accelerates weight loss immensely, the extra effort will be worth it!  

Thursday 28 March 2013

Grenade Thermo detonator- First Impressions

After much contemplation, I decided to get myself a tub of the well advertised supplement Grenade. I tested the dosage yesterday to see if I felt any unusual effects and progressed up to the full dose today. Here are my first impressions of the supplement.

Grenade is part of a group of supplements classed as thermogenics, it raises your core body temperature. The principle behind this is that the increase in your body temperature means an increase in the amount of energy you are using, resulting in more calories being used. Some thermogenics can overdo it a bit and make your body feel very uncomfortable due to the raised temperature (remember, your core temperature is a very delicate thing). Fortunately, Grenade keeps within the boundaries (for me anyway). Having had the full dose today, which is two caps upon waking and a further two before lunch, I can say I have felt very normal throughout the day. My training session was very standard. Some people report feeling more energetic during their training. I, unfortunately, did not. One difference I did notice was that my torso was warm to touch. I checked throughout the day out of curiosity and was pleasantly surprised to feel more heat than usual.

Of course I cant report on the longer term effects of the supplement yet, that's for a few weeks time. But so far so good. I will keep you updated with how the course goes.   

Sunday 24 March 2013

CNP Pro Recover Review

CNP Pro Recover (RRP £109.99)

              I was recently able to get my hands on a tub of CNP Pro Recover protein powder reasonably cheaply. I've been using if for the past few weeks and have to say I have been very pleased with it.  However, being at the higher end of the market i would have been disappointed with any less, as to buy straight from CNP you will be forking out over £100 for a 5kg tub, a big hit in most peoples books. 

              The powder itself is one of the nicest tasting I've had. The flavour I have been trying is chocolate, which is usually a safe option anyway, but CNP have done a fantastic job. I would happily have this as a milkshake to sip on. The powder mixes very well, while the larger than average serving sizes form a nice thick mixture without the grainy texture of other products. If put in a blender with some ice you end up with a delicious refreshing beverage.

              The nutritional content of the powder is fairly standard for this price range. As its a recovery drink, not whey protein, there are a higher amount of carbohydrates present than I would usually prefer, but the protein content is high at 29.5%. As to be expected with this type of supplement, there are a few added extras, vitamins c and e being some of them. There is also beetroot extract present as a colouring, although beetroot has been linked with increased blood oxygen retention, so no harm done there. The powder is suitable for vegetarians.

The only let down of this product is the price, but if you can find it in a sale or as part of a bundle offer, I would recommend seriously considering this powder over other cheaper alternatives. The nutritional content is all there and the taste is unmatched. Very good, well rounded product. 

Crazy Workout Mindset

Friday 8 March 2013

Endurance Challenge

Great endurance challenge for you all.

Squat Challenge!

Squat 100kg 100 times as quickly as possible....

Proper form, dropping to 90 degrees each time

Different feet positions are allowed.

My time is 12 minutes 44 seconds.

Post your times in the comments section and I'll make a leader board.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Fitness Infographic

Cool infographic  I found while browsing today, thought I would share it