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Wednesday 20 February 2013

T-shirt Time

The weather is getting nicer and the layers are going to start coming off. Are you ready for the t-shirt season? Build big arms and chiselled abs by including this session in your workout once a week with a cardio session.

Bicep Curls on 45 degree bench-

3 sets of 10, alternating arms and focussing on squeezing the muscle during the contraction.

Isolation curls (arm over the edge of the bench)-

3 sets of 10, keep your palm facing up throughout the duration of the movement, fully extend your arm with each repetition.

Hammer Curls-

3 sets of 12, a little cheating is allowed on this on, really focus on burning out the muscle

Cable Bicep Curls-

3 sets of 10, slow during the negative portion of the movement

Overhead Tricep Extensions (with cable and rope attachment)-

3 sets of 10, make sure you fully contract the muscle, spreading your hands out slightly at the top of the movement

Tricep Press-

3 sets of 10, use an underhand grip to reduce stress on the elbow without reducing effectiveness of exercise

Bent Over Single Arm Tricep Extensions-

3 sets of 10, pause at full contraction and squeeze the muscle

Cable Woodchopper-

3 sets of 15

Cable Crunches-

3 sets of 15, make sure you pivot using your abs, not your legs or arms, just abs...

             Sit Ups (with Medicine Ball)
             Heel touches
             Barbell Twists

15, 20, 20 repeat 3 times.

This workout will really pump your arms up and should give a good ego boost if you need one. Follow it regularly and your sleeves will be filled in no time!!!

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