
This is my website that I use to advertise my personal training services and to publish short articles that I have written concerning health and fitness. If you wish to see the information on Personal Training Services please navigate to the correct page using the bar above. If not please feel free to look at the newest posts displayed below.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Benefits of Personal Trainers

Having a personal trainer can seem a bit daunting if your new to exercising and fitness in general. People have different opinions of what a personal trainer is, some imagine them as a scary, military drill sergeant character, others as a friendly running partner. The truth is a personal trainer is the type of trainer you want them to be, whether that is someone who shouts at you to work harder or someone who provides assistance and company during stretching and gentle exercising. A good trainer will be able to tailor their knowledge to your needs, conveying the necessary information in the best possible way to yield the best possible results.

Advantages of having a Trainer

  • Motivation- when your head drops, they will pick you up and keep you going 
  • Knowledge- Specific, relevant information explained in an easy way to help you understand how your benefiting from a particular exercise.
  • Accountability- you will be committing to sessions for a period of time, and someone will be keeping tabs on your progress, so you will be more inclined to turn up, work hard and apply yourself to the training.
  • Constant Support- some trainers offer 24/7 support to clients to make sure that any questions you have get answered. 

Saturday 23 February 2013

Friday 22 February 2013

Twitter Account is Up

Follow the blog on twitter. See new articles immediately, questions to make you think, brief facts and much more!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

T-shirt Time

The weather is getting nicer and the layers are going to start coming off. Are you ready for the t-shirt season? Build big arms and chiselled abs by including this session in your workout once a week with a cardio session.

Bicep Curls on 45 degree bench-

3 sets of 10, alternating arms and focussing on squeezing the muscle during the contraction.

Isolation curls (arm over the edge of the bench)-

3 sets of 10, keep your palm facing up throughout the duration of the movement, fully extend your arm with each repetition.

Hammer Curls-

3 sets of 12, a little cheating is allowed on this on, really focus on burning out the muscle

Cable Bicep Curls-

3 sets of 10, slow during the negative portion of the movement

Overhead Tricep Extensions (with cable and rope attachment)-

3 sets of 10, make sure you fully contract the muscle, spreading your hands out slightly at the top of the movement

Tricep Press-

3 sets of 10, use an underhand grip to reduce stress on the elbow without reducing effectiveness of exercise

Bent Over Single Arm Tricep Extensions-

3 sets of 10, pause at full contraction and squeeze the muscle

Cable Woodchopper-

3 sets of 15

Cable Crunches-

3 sets of 15, make sure you pivot using your abs, not your legs or arms, just abs...

             Sit Ups (with Medicine Ball)
             Heel touches
             Barbell Twists

15, 20, 20 repeat 3 times.

This workout will really pump your arms up and should give a good ego boost if you need one. Follow it regularly and your sleeves will be filled in no time!!!

Monday 18 February 2013

Shaping up for Summer

Its not too late to start shaping up for the summer! The temperature is slowly creeping up and the sun is shining more days than not. Don't be one of the people who gets to summer and regrets not exercising over the winter. Act now! Email me at and I can provide personalised training plans and email/text support to help get you into better shape (fees negotiable).  

Thursday 7 February 2013

6 Rules to Success

Six rules to being successful from the great Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Listen close, this will change you.

Training Partners

Having a training partner is a very useful way of improving your progress in your training sessions. What are the good qualities of a training partner though? How should you act when training with someone else? For the answers to these questions look below.

Who to train with

Training with someone else can really speed  up the progress you make in the gym. They can help you perform more reps, lift heavier weights and break through plateaus with ease. However, they can be a massive distraction.
The ideal training partner is someone who is better than you are, but not my much. Training with someone who is better than you are lets you learn from their experience and skill. You also feel that you need to lift as much as you can because you want to be able to keep up. This is most beneficial on longer sets, when they have already done their set. You should feel that you need to match them or beat them. It should get competitive, and finishing that last set is a matter of pride being won or lost.
A training partner should also know how to spot. Having a good spotter assist you in your exercises gives you the confidence to lift more and push your boundaries. Whoever your training with should know when to step in and help. You don't want someone who is helping you through the whole of the exercise, they need to be stepping in when you are about to drop something on yourself.
 The gym isn't a social club, its a place to train. If someone insists on talking to you through all your sets and doesn't let you focus on lifting. Get rid of them. You can explain wherever else you like to socialize.

Monday 4 February 2013

EU Supplement Directive

The EU are looking at changing the laws concerning supplements. What they plan to do is limit the quatities of certain substances in the products, reducing the effectiveness of the supplements. Visit the link below to find out more.

Also, there is a petition against these changes to try and prevent them. Please sign it to improve the chances of it not happening.


Sunday 3 February 2013

Session of the Week

Chest Session

Bench Press- 10, 10, 6, 2, 1
Incline Dumbbell Press- 10, 10, 8, 6
Incline Dumbbell Flys- 12, 12, 10, 10
Machine Flys- 10, 10, 10, 10