
This is my website that I use to advertise my personal training services and to publish short articles that I have written concerning health and fitness. If you wish to see the information on Personal Training Services please navigate to the correct page using the bar above. If not please feel free to look at the newest posts displayed below.

Monday 19 August 2013

Training For Fat Loss

When people think about training for fat loss, many think about doing extended amounts of time on treadmill or on a cross trainer. While this method of training will achieve fat loss, you will probably not be left with the figure you expect.
Resistance training is a very effective way for promoting fat loss, more so than doing steady-state periods of cardio. When performing exercises with a significant amount of resistance (bodyweight, barbells, dumbbells etc.) your heart rate spikes during these exercises. Between exercises your heart rate begins to slow, but will generally not reach resting before your next set or exercise. This ‘yoyoing’ of your heart rate means that your heart rate for the period of exercise is higher, and will remain high for a longer period of time after exercise has finished.
for the rest of this article please visit

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