
This is my website that I use to advertise my personal training services and to publish short articles that I have written concerning health and fitness. If you wish to see the information on Personal Training Services please navigate to the correct page using the bar above. If not please feel free to look at the newest posts displayed below.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Don't Be a Weight Watcher

Many people start exercising to overcome weight problems. To them the most important result of training is seeing the number on the scales drop. Someone like this is a weight watcher. The problem with this is that your weight is not an accurate representation of how your body is changing. It is very easy to see the number on the scales drop, but not see a reduction in fat. The result of this is that you do not see any results except the change in your weight. It is important to remember that you should never be aiming to lose weight, you should be aiming to lose fat.

Monday 19 August 2013

Training For Fat Loss

When people think about training for fat loss, many think about doing extended amounts of time on treadmill or on a cross trainer. While this method of training will achieve fat loss, you will probably not be left with the figure you expect.
Resistance training is a very effective way for promoting fat loss, more so than doing steady-state periods of cardio. When performing exercises with a significant amount of resistance (bodyweight, barbells, dumbbells etc.) your heart rate spikes during these exercises. Between exercises your heart rate begins to slow, but will generally not reach resting before your next set or exercise. This ‘yoyoing’ of your heart rate means that your heart rate for the period of exercise is higher, and will remain high for a longer period of time after exercise has finished.
for the rest of this article please visit

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Different Types of Grip

There are many different types of grip that you can use when lifting weight. Each different grip has its own benefits and negatives. Knowing when to use each type of grip can really help improve your lifting and gains.

For the rest of this article visit

Monday 12 August 2013

PreJym Pre Workout Review

PreJym, the much anticipated pre-workout supplement from Jim Stoppiani has been available for a few weeks now. I managed to get a tub shipped over to the UK and have been using the supplement for about a week now. Here’s a quick review of the supplement and an explanation of what makes it so good!

The rest of this review along with other fitness related articles can be found at

Lifting Straps

As the weight you are lifting increases, lifting straps can really help you maximise the gains you see from an exercise. Lifting straps are generally a piece of material that wraps around your wrist and the bar or weight you are using. The way that you wrap the strap round the weight means that your grip strength is no longer the only thing holding the weight.

For the rest of this article and more, visit

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Twitter Account

Anyone who hasn't already, please follow me on twitter (@SamHusePT)for up to date info on my blogs and day to day fitness info. Thanks !!!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Recovery Days

Recovery days are present in most workout plans you will see on the internet or read about in a magazine, but very few programmes will explain the importance of these days. Here is a quick summary of why rest days are so important.
  • Muscle Recovery- you should be putting your body through an awful lot of stress by doing your training plan, which subsequently causes micro-tears in the muscle fibres. These micro-tears need time to repair properly. If you do not have a rest day, chances are you are not allowing your muscles to fully recover.
  • Mental Recover- while this is not as noticeable as muscles aching, your mental strength begins to get worn down by constant training. A day of relaxing allows you to refresh your mind and prepare yourself for the next training session.

While it is called a rest day, your ‘rest’ day does not have to be spent doing nothing. You are resting from your weight training and cardio workouts. This leaves a whole wealth of activities that you can still enjoy doing if you have the desire to be active. Lots of people employ what is know as an active rest day into their training plans. Active rest means doing a light from of activity, like walking or going for a bike ride. While your body is remaining active, it is not being push anywhere near to the limits you are constantly testing during your training sessions. Active rest can aid in recovery, as the heart rate increases slightly, supplying more blood to the muscles and subsequently more nutrients. The rise in activity level also causes an increase in temperature of the muscle, making it more supple, allowing it to relax more and work out any knots in a very comfortable and relaxing way.