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Sunday 20 January 2013

Priority Training

When you follow a weight training plan, you will start out having certain goals that you want to achieve. Chances are that as you progress through your training plan, certain aspects of your goals will progress faster than others. This due to the exercises that you are performing during the sessions, or it could be due to the order that you work your muscles in.

The order that you work your muscles in can greatly affect the results of your training plan. Those that you work at the beginning of your session will generally respond better to training than groups that you work later in the session. This is due to a couple of simple factors. When you start a training session, your body is full of energy ready to be used. All the available energy is transported to the muscle being worked at the beginning, giving it a massive reserve of energy and nutrients to draw upon while you exercise it. As you progress through your workout, the amount of energy you have begins to dwindle, leaving very little (hopefully) for the last exercises in your workout. Having less energy available mean you are less able to push the muscle as hard, reducing the gains you can make.
Another factor that affects the progress made by training is your mental attitude during the time you are training for. When you start the session, you are mentally fresh, like your body is physically fresh. As you get further and further into your session, your willpower will being to decrease (even if you don't want it to). The mental toughness needed to push through your exercises is draining on your mind. The exercises being to tire out your nervous system, making forcing the contraction of your muscles seem so much harder.

When you being to notice one part of your body progressing faster than the others, think about the concept of prioritising muscle groups within a workout. If you want to improve you shoulder strength and size, train your shoulders at the beginning of the session. Remember not to work muscles that are needed in exercises later in your session first though, as this can hider your progress even more. Groups like your arms cannot be prioritised in a session as working your biceps first would have an impact on your back workout. The best way to prioritise arms is to have a separate session altogether. Other groups, like your core muscles, can be worked at the beginning of a session without too much impact on other exercises.

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