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Sunday 6 January 2013

New Years Training

In the New Year many people make it their aim to get fit, lose weight or just join a gym. Unfortunately this rush of people is usually short lived. Many people find themselves overwhelmed by the fitness 'lifestyle' or get drawn into the endless slog of running on the treadmill. It is easy to avoid being one of the people that stops, the ones who give up and probably won't ever achieve the physique of their dreams.

Don't Jump in the Deep End

When first starting to exercise, your putting your body through activities that it is not used to. Many people believe that by going to the gym 5 times a week and spending 90 mins doing cardio they will become fit because that is what they see other doing. What they forget though is that the person they are looking up to has most likely been training for a while. What a beginner to a gym and exercising needs to do is build up to doing extensive periods of harder training. This avoids injury and over training.

Make Small Changes

When examining your lifestyle and deciding what to change to achieve your healthy way of living, there are going to be a number of different areas to change. Making all the changes at once can be quite overwhelming, increasing the chances of something slipping and you ultimately becoming despondent. By making small changes you increase your chances of success. You are more likely to stick to training 2 times a week than 5, so you are less likely to skip a session. Instead of completely changing your diet, make little changes. Stop eating chocolate and crisps. Cut out fizzy drinks. Smaller changes like this still have an impact on your progress. As you become accustomed to the changes you make, they become habits and you can being to make more changes. Over time, you can make all the changes you originally planned without feeling overwhelmed by them all.

 Notice Progress

Many people stop exercising in February because they feel they have been trying really hard for the whole of January but haven't made any progress. This is unfortunate, as the chances are they have made progress, they just can't see it. The biggest reason people miss noticing progress is because they are obsessed with what the scales say and don't see any physical difference. When you start exercising you body will start burning calories and building muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat and the chances are you will put on more muscle than lose fat in the first few weeks. This causes your weight to not change or even go up! Not seeing any physical progress is a trick of the mind. Most people will see themselves every day in a mirror. If you are trying to transform your physique, chances are you will look for any change on a fairly regular basis. Your body won't change at a fast enough rate to be visible between today and tomorrow, but the cumulative effect can be substantial. The best way to see physical process is to take a photo of yourself and hide it away for 4 weeks. after the 4 weeks take another picture and compare the two. a direct comparison will highlight where you have changed and will motivate you to continue.

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